Published: 1 May 24
A s106 agreement was put in place when Durrant Village's planning permission was approved. Part of this agreement was for Faygate residents to have access to the library, permissive path, the art work and use of the taxi. More details below:
• The Library on Wednesday from 9am until 10am & Friday from 1pm until 2pm at a cost of £15pppa, Faygate residents will be asked to complete an application form
And provide photo ID proof of address, and to sign in and out on each visit.
• The pre scheduled taxi for which you will find attached a copy of the preschedule taxi times and destination, this can be booked after midday the day before travel
Faygate residents will be required to report to reception to sign in with proof of photo ID proof of address.
• The Permissive Path which has now been in operations for a few years is open from sunrise to sunset and can be accessed by the side footpath.
A map is in situ on the gate with green stakes implemented around lakeside and the meadow for clear direction.
• The spitfire artwork is available for viewing and would again request that Faygate residents report and sign in a reception beforehand.
The Faygate Properties have been included on the schedule for whom this service is currently available for, this sign has been placed in the Village shop.